Trick or treat, smell my feet
Give me something good to eat!
Listen we all know trick-or-treaters show up at your house whether you like it or not, so why not treat them with as the saying goes "something good to eat".
SideNote: Trick-or-treating is an Irish tradition where the wealthy would give food to the poor on Halloween night.
Here is a list of the worst items given out without fail every year at Halloween:
Pennies: Who still gives out pennies on Halloween night!? I wouldn't complain if it was a dollar, but pennies just don't go as far as they used to. And besides IT IS NOT CANDY!
Apples: That isn't candy! That's healthy stuff! Although there has never been any proven documented razorblade in the apple cases, just thinking about it is enough for me to stay away from them. Besides, this is the night for trick or treating, parents give kids apples in their lunchboxes every day! Apples are a lame treat.
Raisins: Nope....Uh-uh...Not going in my mouth on Halloween. Unless, of course, they are Raisinettes!
Stickers: Yeah, SpongeBob and Spiderman stickers are cool, but nobody wants them on Halloween. Now if you want you can give out a piece of candy and a sticker that's fine, but don't just give a sticker. Same theory applies to rub- on tattoos by the way.
Hope you all had a happy halloween.
Check out the rest of the list here Have your own worst treats idea? Share!
Do like AVGN and shit in theyr baskets ^_^