Like millions of Americans, I went to see the movie "Superbad" the other day, but unlike millions of Americans I'm probably the only person on the planet to have anything negative to say about it. But here goes!
I only have myself to blame really, I knew what I was getting into (rude, vulgar humor, filled with bad language- in fact the word "f--k" is used 186 times in the movie!) but after hearing countless accolades about it, such as "classic teen movie of our time" and "funniest teen comedy since "American Pie" and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" I decided to give it a chance.
If you didn't already know "Superbad" is another Judd Apatow/Seth Rogen collaboration. First let me start off by saying, I didn't think "Knocked Up" was all that good of a movie, sure it was cute and all, but it certainly didn't deserve all the attention and kudos it received. Sadly neither does "Superbad."
And not just "didn't live up to the hype" kinda thing, more like "it pretty much sucked" kinda thing.
Maybe it's me but I just didn't get it, maybe I'm not the "targeted" audience per se, or maybe I hung around with a different sort of crowd back in high school and can't relate, maybe I'm too old (gasp) to know what teenagers today are actually like, maybe I just don't understand teenage boys and how they relate to each other in general. Or maybe, just maybe I'm someone that goes into a comedy movie and expects to be entertained, laugh and have a good time.
Well that certainly didn't happen here folks and that's Super-Too-Bad!
Yeah, I went there, deal with it!
Sometimes a title is worth a thousand words. Read more here
I disagree with you.
Superbad was a lot like real "kids" of our time!
I thought it was entertaining & funny.
What did you expect? This is a teen movie!