Now, I realize you are a woman, and have plenty of breast experience. However, I would love to offer to my own insight into just have jiggly real breasts are. Ok so they don't bounce of their own accord. That's one down. But jell-o-esque? To me, certainly. Just run a Google search of Jiggly breasts, and I'm sure you can find a video of a woman with natural breasts running while her chest cushions heave up and down and up and down with such momentum you're sure they'll come right off.
False breasts, however, hardly move at all. Or at least it seems so to me.
Oh, and please don't say, "Well I'm a woman, so I would obviously know a little more than you!" Because unless you are "endowed," or more aptly cursed, with gargantuan combersome breasts, I'm not entirely sure you would.
That said, my final comment. Please don't be offended, I'm just trying to point out what seems like a fact to me.
Maybe I've just known jiggly ladies all my life, though.